Teddy, Our Airedale Terrier

We got Teddy when he was two months and now he's a year old. He was mostly black, but he got more tan as he grew. 
He loves chewing everything that he can grab. How about chewing up a corner of our kitchen's wall, with that steel stud in it? 
Teddy loves when we wash him in the shower after a visit to the beach . He likes to run and play a lot. Most Airedales act like puppies all their lives. His favorite is to bug some bigger dog on the dogs' beach, and run away once the bigger fellow gets angry. Except for a few dogs (like borzoi), he will outrun most of the dogs.
We travel often and take Teddy along. Sometimes, in the winter, we head up to the mountains where there is snow. He enjoys these trips because he can chase squirrels and run after our sleds. The top picture on the right shows Teddy in his first encounter with snow.
Interesting, he has some definite preferences of the car to ride in -
no objections against a Land Rover Discovery, he would settle in a full size jeep, keep anxious in a van, and definitely against a little jeep. 
It's strange that Teddy likes to sleep on his back, other dogs that we know don't feel comfortable laying like that.
Even though he is almost full grown, he likes to chew stuff (including shoes).
Here we've got a few photos of him - you'd enjoy seeing him in person! If you click on a picture,  you'll get a larger resolution one, but that takes some patience :-(

Since Teddy is a hunting dog, he has hunting reflexes. When he sees something move, he looks at it for a while, creeps up, and jumps!

Below is Teddy with Max, our neighbor's black labrador retriever. Teddy tries to play with him, but Max is older and not as playful. Teddy won't give up, though.

The first trip to Mammoth, CA.

Nah, I'm not going down!

Why shouldn't I use a pillow?

More snow - Julian, CA.

No new toys... Why bother?



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